Q2 is Running by, Here’s Why You Aren’t Hitting Those Goals  

Your finances determine how you would run 80% of the other things you do every day. It helps you confidently plan to reach your goals accordingly. To reach your financial goals, you need to make real-life choices and tradeoffs. Meeting and exceeding financial goals comes with a lot of hard work and sacrifice, There are no shortcuts, as your future depends on it. Make sacrifices that make sense for your set financial goals while working on your already-sketched roadmap. 

Even with the best of intentions, it’s easy to make financial mistakes and miss opportunities. The good news is that it’s never too late to recover and learn how to avoid them! Let’s look at the most common financial mistakes to avoid and how to steer away from them. 

These common financial mistakes lead to major hardships as time passes. If you’re already experiencing financial crises, staying away from these mistakes could make all the difference. If you are ready to plan, evaluate, and monitor your set goals, that’s a great start. Let’s investigate what you are doing wrong and what’s next. 

No Financial Roadmap: No financial plan is a major reason why you have been unable to reach your financial goals. A roadmap is a defined, step-by-step plan that helps you focus on an end goal. Without a financial plan, you get to spend without a budget, which is not advisable if you need to save and invest. Lacking a plan makes you vulnerable to impulse buying, overspending and making wrong and unhealthy financial choices. Furthermore, without a clear budget that shows where money is coming and going, you do not have sufficient information to gauge whether your goals are realistic and achievable within the time frame you have set for yourself. To solve this, you need to create a budget today and track income and spending. This will help you look towards a short-term goal in the meantime and make bold steps towards your grand plan. 

No Smart Goals: The best way to outline your goal and keep yourself accountable is to set SMART goals. This stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. This may come off as non-negotiable while planning toward a goal, but it is not just setting the goal but ensuring you do not derail as time passes. A young adult can choose to set a financial goal towards buying the latest professional camera headphones to help him and build his filming and editing skill. A parent might have a totally different financial goal that is geared towards mortgage and the fees for their kids.

You are not specific: Are you trying to clear your debt, buy a new car, buy a house, or make an investment, Try your best to be as clear and specific as possible. And be sure that whatever financial goals you set are measurable, If you need to pay off debt, put a number on how much will be done and at what intervals to help you measure how far you have come once time passes. We all have high hopes of achieving our set goals, but make sure they are attainable to avoid getting burned out and feeling unfulfilled after putting in so much work. Do not forget to put time into it, How long would you save and invest towards buying that new car? Putting time into it pushes you to do more to earn more, and if you have the goal well laid out, you can move accordingly. 

Lack of financial literacy and impatience: You and I start to pursue our financial goals with lots of confidence and motivation, but with time and after a couple of unforeseen roadblocks and unforeseen challenges, these difficulties may lead to impatience. Impatience leads to changing goals, and it further hinders your goals in the long run. Financial success is a process, and it takes time, Celebrate small milestones and encourage yourself toward the goal. Patience is a non-negotiable trait; cultivate it early on. Ignorance is an enemy of financial success. Knowledge has never been irrelevant, and it applies to financial knowledge. Read books, listen to money podcasts, and work with a financial advisor. 

There is no one-size-fits-all approach to managing finances, building the perfect money plan, or financial strategy.  We cannot deny that we set financial goals for the most irrelevant things, and once we do not meet them, we beat ourselves up for them.