From Worry to Ease: How FundBae is Helping Young Nigerians Meet Their Money Goals

In Nigeria today, data show that individuals have a high propensity to consume but a low tendency to save. High consumption simply means low savings and investments, which might be a function of the country’s economy typified by low incomes or poor salaries but could also be a reflection of a culture that doesn’t save or invest. Yet, low income should not be a reason not to save because savings and investments have the capacity to increase the quality of life, reduce risk and increase financial security.

In this context, FundBae simply provides savings and wealth management services targeted to the mass affluent and millennials via a well-designed, intuitive app. FundBae offers an easy-to-use application that offers flexible saving and higher interest rates on their savings offering up to 15% interest per annum relative to a traditional bank account.

Launched in November 2020, the money app has recorded over 7,500 users with over N200 million in transaction value. Users can simultaneously save, invest, and access loans at the most competitive interest rates.

The app empowers the users to maximize their happiness by saving, spending, and investing with their goals in mind

Users have control over how much they save and earn depending on plans they opt for; a user can save and get interest paid every day that is easily accessible anytime. A user does not necessarily need to wait till maturity before accessing both interest and capital. 

In a report released by the National Bureau of Statistics (NBS) titled “2019 Poverty and Inequality in Nigeria”, it states that 40 percent of Nigeria’s population, or almost 83 million people live below the country’s poverty line of 137,430 Naira ($381. 75) per year. It means that lots of Nigerians live below the poverty line not just because they have low incomes or poor salaries, but perhaps the inability to imbibe a savings and investment culture.

Co-Founder, Sola Adeyinka, CFA stated that FundBae was born out of a passion for helping individuals achieve their financial goals, efficiently and seamlessly. In his words, “We started FundBae, which is a holistic and integrated goal-based experience that serves the financial life of our customers over the short, medium, and long term. We understand the struggles our customers face, and for this reason that is why the FundBae experience empowers our customers with services, resources to help them find fulfilment and happiness with their finances. FundBae is about more than just taking charge of your money – it’s your plan for money happiness and financial goals”.

How Does FundBae Work?

Flexibility is a critical factor for FundBae. That is why the platforms allow the users to explore and choose from the available plans. The company has developed Android and iOS versions making it easily accessible for any user on any device usage. An individual can subscribe to any of the following plans:

  • FlexBae – a flexible savings account where a user earns interest on loose funds in as little as 24 hours, interests are paid daily, which is accessible freely within a specific duration. In this plan, users can access their interest from 8 am-4 pm on working days. The interest rate on the FlexBae plan is up to 12% per annum. 
  • VaultLite – this plan enables a user to save consistently towards a particular financial goal. The interest rate for a user Vault account is up to 10% per annum. 
  • VaultPlus – a fixed savings option that allows you to earn higher interest per annum. A user can decide to save for 3- 6 months or 2 years. The interest rate on your vault plus is up to 15% per annum. Interests are paid upfront. 
  • Save2B – this is a savings plan where a user earns a high-interest rate and qualify for a loan of up to 200% of your savings after consistent savings for six months.

Looking Forward

FundBae strives to make money management, both practical and emotionally fulfilling. The challenge for many individuals is to break up their budgets into weekly allocations and develop a plan within their means and leave them feeling their needs are met. The FundBae founders are more focused on building a customer-centric product where users experience a modern banking experience based on goal setting and saving effortless, motivating, and even a little fun. 

The Chief Operating Officer, Femi Darabidan, stated that “FundBae focuses on users to do more of what helps them master their money. “We will help achieve their goals by creating more personalized tools and experiences on the app for individual financial growth.”

The founders also stated that their target is to grow financial literacy for middle-class individuals and the millennials. To them, this will play a significant role in helping the users make reliable financial decisions. “We will create lots of avenues that will increase the financial literacy of our existing customers. We believe an individual can do their best to prepare for the future by getting their finances in order, no matter how much or how little they make.” Femi stated.

Money is personal, so FundBae is too. What are your goals? FundBae will help you save for near-term goals and invest for those further in the future also saving for all the wonderful things you want to experience.

FundBae is also available on Play store and App Store, and on all social media @fundbaeng