Can a Spender and Saver Live in Harmony? Adewale and Tani’s Financial Journey 

Adewale, a 31-year-old tech sales officer, and his 28-year-old fiancée Tani, a risk and compliance professional, have been in a relationship for three years. As their wedding approaches, they decide to cohabit to save time and energy spent traveling between their separate homes. Their busy careers leave little time for travel, making the decision to move in together an easy one. 

Adewale is an extroverted young man who has rapidly advanced in his career thanks to his sharp mind, persuasive skills, and passion for technology. His substantial income allows him to enjoy a lavish lifestyle, filled with weekend outings to high-end restaurants, exclusive events, and frequent shopping for designer brands. He drives a sleek Lexus and loves to travel, living a lifestyle that many envy. 

Tani, on the other hand, is a risk and compliance professional who has steadily climbed the career ladder, benefiting from job-hopping and earning significant salary increases along the way. As an ambivert, she enjoys the fast-paced Lagos life but also values her personal space. Tani loves to spend comfortably but does so cautiously, drafting a list of wants and needs and prioritizing her purchases. She is financially savvy, taking budgeting, saving, and investing seriously while still living her best life. 

Despite their different financial approaches, Tani and Adewale have had a strong relationship, largely because they lived separately and rarely had to make joint financial decisions. But now that they’re engaged and planning a future together, financial discussions have become unavoidable. 

Adewale was raised in a comfortable household, and his desire to live above and beyond his means has influenced his current lifestyle. Tani, however, is a first-generation graduate who is determined to leave her past behind and secure a prosperous future for herself and her family. She dreams of being financially secure and even setting up trust funds for her future children. 

As the wedding planning begins, Tani and Adewale find themselves arguing over finances. Minor disagreements about bills have escalated, and Tani has even taken off her engagement ring in frustration. 

The couple is at odds over where to live. Adewale wants to move into a 4-bedroom duplex in Victoria Island (VI), while Tani insists on a more budget-friendly option in Gbagada or Lekki. She argues that since they both work hybrid schedules and only need to be in the office twice a week, there’s no need to splurge on expensive housing. Adewale, however, is concerned about his status and fears missing out on the social life he enjoys in VI. 

Tani’s frugality, which she previously kept to herself, is now causing tension in the relationship. She’s not willing to compromise on their financial future, and Adewale’s desire to maintain his lavish lifestyle is clashing with her more conservative approach. 

The wedding itself is another source of conflict. Adewale wants to invite everyone and anyone to the wedding, regardless of the cost. He’s determined to have the wedding be the talk of the town, with no expense spared. Tani, on the other hand, is trying to keep the wedding within a reasonable budget, arguing that there’s more to a marriage than just the wedding day. 

As tensions rise, Tani tries to communicate her concerns calmly, but Adewale’s temper flares, leading to arguments that leave Tani feeling isolated. She starts avoiding him at home, opting to work from co-working spaces to avoid further conflict. 

Eventually, Tani decides to compromise, offering a middle ground: Adewale can spend on the wedding as he pleases, but anything outside her budgeted plan won’t be funded by her. She also mentions the possibility of a prenuptial agreement, making it clear that she won’t jeopardize her financial future for a lavish event. 

Realizing the seriousness of the situation, Adewale apologizes and admits that he finds it difficult to live a simple life because he enjoys the attention that comes with spending money. 

Tani offers to help Adewale manage his finances more effectively, sharing some tips she’s learned over the years. She suggests setting up automatic savings and investments, creating a budget for the wedding, and using a financial tracker to keep track of their expenses. By doing this, they can ensure they’re living within their means and saving for the future. 

Adewale agrees to make some sacrifices, like cutting back on his Friday night outings and delaying his purchase of luxury items until after the wedding. They also agree to reallocate some of the wedding budget to their new home, finding a balance that works for both of them. 

As they continue to discuss their finances, their relationship improves. Adewale becomes more transparent about his spending, and Tani manages their finances effectively. They set up a joint investment account for their future family, and Tani’s dream of financial alignment with her partner begins to take shape. 

Their wedding goes off without a hitch glamorous yet within budget and they enjoy a honeymoon in Zanzibar, having found a compromise that satisfies both of them. 

By creating a safe space to discuss finances openly, Tani and Adewale were able to find common ground and align their financial goals. They now have a realistic budget that accommodates both their spending and saving needs, and they’ve built a strong foundation for their future together.