Vale Insider Spotlight: Meet Our Product Manager  

Meet Tomiwa Odugbesan, the Visionary Behind Vale’s Product Development.

At the heart of Vale Finance’s products is Tomiwa Odugbesan, our dynamic Product Manager. With a deep passion for solving customer problems and a sharp focus on aligning product development with the company’s mission, Tomiwa plays a pivotal role in ensuring that every Vale product not only meets our users’ needs but surpasses their expectations.

Q: What does a typical day look like for you as a Product Manager?

The beauty of being a Product Manager is that no two days are the same. One day, I might find myself deep in research, diving into customer interviews, or brainstorming with the team to spark new ideas. On other days, my focus shifts to preparing detailed documents, refining product scopes, and meticulously reviewing designs. However, one constant in my day is meetings, lots of them. Whether it’s aligning with the development team or catching up with stakeholders, these interactions keep the momentum going.

Q: Can you walk us through your typical product development process? Walk us through your magic tricks.

The magic begins with understanding the ‘why.’ Why are we building this product or feature? What problem are we solving for our target market? Once the ‘why’ is crystal clear, I move on to validation. This involves conducting thorough research, surveys, and data analysis to ensure we’re on the right track.

With this foundation, I then define the product scope, set success criteria, and prepare a requirement document that will guide the development team. Timelines are established, and the work begins. Starting with the design phase, moving into engineering development, and culminating in quality assurance and user acceptance tests. It’s a collaborative process, and each step is crucial in bringing a product to life.

Q: How do you balance the needs of the business with the desires of the customer?

It’s all about framing the problem in a way that highlights the mutual benefits for both the customer and the business. I ensure that the solution we’re developing not only addresses the customer’s needs but also aligns with the company’s revenue goals and vision. It’s a delicate balance, but when done right, it results in a product that drives value for everyone involved.

Q: How do you measure the success of a product?

Success, to me, is when we see our customers adopting the product enthusiastically and when the business experiences tangible growth in revenue. These two metrics are key indicators that we’re on the right path.

Q: What inspired you to pursue a career in product management? What sparked your obsession with turning ideas into reality?

The thrill of solving real problems is what drives me. There’s nothing quite like the satisfaction of seeing a product come to life, especially when it addresses a pain point that users have been struggling with. It’s that feeling of making a difference that keeps me passionate about product management.

Q: What’s the secret ingredient to a successful product?

Staying close to the customers. Listening to them, understanding their challenges, and acting on their feedback is what makes a product successful. It’s also important to stay connected with the customer-facing teams who have direct insight into user experiences.

Q: As an excellent product manager, how do you effectively gather customer feedback and evaluate consumers’ needs to create or improve your product?

I rely on a combination of surveys, feedback from our customer service team, and careful observation of product usage and adoption patterns. These methods provide a comprehensive view of how our products are performing and where improvements are needed.

Q: What skills and qualities are essential for success in this role?

Leadership is crucial, being able to guide a team and make decisions that keep us moving forward. Innovation is also key, you need to think outside the box to solve problems creatively. Empathy allows you to understand your customers deeply, and strong communication skills ensure that your vision is clearly articulated and understood by all stakeholders.

Q: What advice would you give to someone aspiring to become a product manager?

Never build a product based on assumptions alone. Assumptions can lead to short-sighted decisions. Always test the market first to identify the real problems and then develop solutions that truly meet the needs of your users.

Q: How do you uncover the most pressing problems or concerns that people have?

By staying engaged with our customers and constantly seeking their input. Whether through direct surveys, feedback channels, or even just casual conversations, it’s about being present and attentive to their needs.